Sanctions Disclaimer
The sanctions function of VesselsValue’s Mapping Alerts is intended to assist customers in identifying circumstances where one or more international sanctions regime may apply by indicating the territorial waters of potentially sanctioned countries on its mapping system. However, sanctions regimes are complex, subject to multiple exceptions and regular change and VesselsValue’s mapping system may not reflect accurately all sanctions regimes or vessel positions. Customers should take specific independent advice on particular circumstances.
You can visit the OFAC sanctions list here.
Additionally, no wrongdoing by a ship owner, charterer or operator is indicated by the triggering of a zone alert notification from a vessel entering or exiting the territorial waters or being within a specified range of the territorial waters of a country indicated on VesselsValue’s mapping system as potentially subject to sanctions or by a vessel not broadcasting, ceasing to broadcast, or reactivating its AIS signal.
If you have any questions about our Sanctions Disclaimer, please email us at [email protected].